Flash Encryption: Encrypt folders stored on your computer and external hard drive instantly
without size limitation. The encrypted folders are prevented from being copied, deleted and moved.
Hiding Encryption: Hide your folders instantly without size limitation. The encryption speed and
effects are the same with Flash Encryption. The hiding encrypted folders cannot be seen and decrypted
except in Best Folder Encryptor.
Diamond Encryption: Pack and encrypt a folder into an encrypted file with internationally mature
encryption algorithm. Once a folder has been encrypted, no one can know what data is stored in a folder
without decryption.
Full Encryption: Encrypt all files in a folder at one time with the internationally mature
algorithm. Just open the file you want to use and enter the correct password. It's very convenient and
safe. If you want to decrypt all files in a folder, right click on the folder, select "Decrypt all
Full-encrypted Folder", enter your password in the pop-up window, and then click the Decrypt
Portable Encryption: Pack and encrypt a folder into an executable (.exe) file with
internationally mature encryption algorithm. You can encrypt important files and folders with this
method, and then send it over the network or by other means to be used on a machine where Best Folder
Encryptor is not installed.
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