For a trial version user, please get a password hint using the feature Password Prompt.
The usage of Password Prompt for Password-protected folders as follows:
Start Easy Folder Guard, select the protection record that you forget its password, then click the Unprotect. Enter the correct password hint command and click OK.
It will prompt you the 1st character if your password length is between 3 to 5 characters; and the first and the last characters for over 6 characters (include 6).
The password hint command is changed due to the different software version. Please contact us with your software version and we will offer you the password hint command.
For a full version user, you can retrieve your password with the Restore Password feature.
The usage of Restore Password for Password-protected folders as follows:
1. Start Easy Folder Guard, click the Settings button, select "Need password to use this software " in the pop-up window, and then set an admin password. (If you have set an admin password, please skip this step.)
2. Start Easy Folder Guard, right click on the protection record that you forget its password. Select Restore Password from the dropdown menu, then enter your admin password and click OK. The program will tell you what the password you set for the folder.
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